Join, train, ride...your passport to an advanced riding life!

Observer Page


Improving bike safety through advanced rider training is at the heart of what WYAMs exists for. It is our Observer team that delivers this and we put a lot of time and energy into ensuring we have the very best Observers that we can.

Our National Observer Qualification is IMI recognised 

How to become an Observer

How to become an Observer

When we identify members who have above average riding skills, combined with the good people skills and the correct attitude to represent the club, their names will be tabled at Committee for Observer Training.  Assessing potential Observers will never be based solely on riding ability, as much of the Observer’s role is about teaching and application of process to coach all the required competencies.  

Normally a candidate would be sponsored by the Chief Observer (CO) but a candidate could be sponsored by any Team Leader/Observer who has personal knowledge of the individual.

If necessary, the CO or a Senior Member of the Training Team (appointed by the CO) may take someone out for a check ride before submission to committee.  If a candidate does not have all the attributes required, then some “Shadow” training may be offered and if successful, the process will then continue. Alternatively, the candidate may have to consolidate some of their skills in more depth before their name is put forward to Committee for approval.

Once committee approval is secured, then the Training Coordinator will fill out an IMI Registration request via the IAM dashboard.  IAM will confirm all is in order and will allocate the Observer a training number.  The Trainee Observer’s training can then commence because from this point onwards, they are covered by IAM’s insurance.  Normally the candidate will be placed on an Observer Training list and when their name reaches the top, they will be allocated an Associate and an Assessor.  Obviously, there may be some delay as we try to match up people geographically.

On completion of training, the Assessor will advise the CO, who may decide to carry out a final check ride before the candidate’s name is submitted for external examination. The Training Coordinator will confirm that training has been completed to the club’s satisfaction on DARTs; this will trigger the external examination.  IAM will then notify the RSDM and he contacts the applicant directly to agree a diary date for an assessment.

Note: Failure to complete the programme and become an Observer, by pulling out say, will cost the club the IMI registration fee. In such situations the candidate shall refund this fee to the Club.

Observer Guidance and Aids

To ensure Observers avoid skill fade, periodic quality checks are required to ensure competency is maintained, some of these checks will be done using internal resources, others will be carried out by the Regional Service Delivery Manager (or his delegates).  This process is set out in our Observer Assessment Policy, which can be viewed below. 

All Observers need to read, understand and implement WYAMs Ride Risk Process & Assessment, these replace the examples produced by IAM; and are attached below. 

Observers should go to the IAM web site ( and after logging in click on Observer Resourcesin the Dashboard; in this section there are a number of reference documents for their use, these include: The Observer Logbook; Details about Insurance Cover; Run Sheets; Group Training Rides; Advanced Rider Course Handout Sheets; Radio Procedure Document and the Full ControlDocument. Note that WYAMs have produced their own set of run rules for their Social Rides, where no training element is intended; this replaces IAM guidance, a copy is attached below. 

The above has been augmented by a number of WYAMs Training Bulletins, these have been produced to help Observers and Members understand some procedural matters, technical aspects of their ride and statutory instruments; these can also be downloaded below. 

Observers need only use the Advanced Rider Handbook to instruct Associates and the current version of the Highway Code; these two documents contain all the information required to pass the IAM Advanced Test. The competencies to be demonstrated by Local Observers are set out in the LOPs Form; whereas the competencies to be demonstrated by a National Observer are set out in the NOPs Form. The competencies therein are coded and reference should be made to the Competency Documentation for further more detailed explanation.  

Members wishing to raise their riding skills to National Observer or Masters Level should also refer to Motorcycle Roadcraft, The Police Riders Handbook (V. 2020). This can be obtained via IAMs Shop, Amazon or an organisation like Desktop Driving Ltd.

Disclaimer Document

Ride Risk Assessment & Risk Assessment Process

Local Observer Progress Summary Form

National Observer Progress Summary Form

Observer Competency Documentation

Observer Assessment Policy

WYAMs Social Ride Outs

Bulletin No. 1 – Offsiding Rules

Bulletin No. 2 – Activating the Advanced Test

Bulletin No. 3 – Saccadic Masking, SMIDSY”

Bulletin No. 4 – Centre Line Road Markings

Bulletin No. 5 – Pedestrian Crossings

Bulletin No. 6 – Stop Signs

Bulletin No. 7 – Hazard Marker Posts.