All our policies in one place
- IAM RoadSmart
- The Charity Commission
- Information Commissioners Office
- Website
WYAMs is Affiliated to IAM. Their website can be found at The Group is run in accordance with IAM’s Regulations and Requirements and we take cognisance of their Guidance as appropriate. Where we are permitted to deviate: we may put in place alternative policies and practises which may differ or in fact be more onerous, to meet our local needs.
- The Charity Commission for England and Wales
WYAMs are a Registered Charity (No. 107147) and are governed by Statutory Rules and Regulations which can be
found on the following Government website
The Group’s Committee Members are all Trustees of our charity and are primarily charged with exercising due care
and diligence with respect to the Group’s finances. All trustees must complete a Trustee Declaration Form, this
can be found below. A guidance summary is also set out in the Commission’s Document CC3: this can be
downloaded from their web site.
- Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
This is the UK’s independent authority and is set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting
openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. This body provides guidance on how WYAMs have to
comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR). Reference to their web site will provide Group
Members with an overview of the UK’s Data Protection Act 2018
To respond to the requirements of the above bodies, the Group have created a number of Policy documents, which
are referred to within the following text, these can be downloaded as required at the end of this Section.
- The base document for WYAMs is The Group Affiliate Handbook; Members can download this document from IAM’s web site as a pdf file once they join.
- The Group has drafted a GDPR Contract Statement for Members, this allows members to choose whether to Opt In or Out of the various media types that the Group uses for communication purposes; see below. This document has to be completed every year, when Annual Subscriptions are collected or when membership status changes but amendments can be made, if required by a Member, at any time in the year. However, if it is deemed to be in the public interest, the Group may decide to publish the result of a disciplinary matter or gross misconduct to demonstrate that it is fulfilling its fiduciary duties, in its newsletter or meeting minutes. While these documents are only available to Members of WYAM, they will be disclosed to IAM or the courts following an official request.
- It is necessary for the Group to collect data about individuals and share this with IAM and designated individuals within WYAMs. This information generally comprises inter alia: contact information for dissemination of information, guidance, riding standards and club matters; in addition, we collect training, riding and qualification data to allow us to improve the skill base of our current and future membership. The data therein is covered by our Privacy Statement, see below.
- The Group is aware of many factors which have a bearing on safety and a rider’s wellbeing and these are advised to members; however, responsibility rests with an individual and they are asked to sign a disclaimer to that effect. A copy of this Disclaimer Document can be downloaded below.
- A Ride Risk Assessment has been developed by WYAMs for its Observer Team, this can be downloaded below. This document does not absolve any rider from any responsibility or consequences arising from their own riding performance, and the giving of or following any advice.
- In order to maintain the skill base of our Observer Team, we carry out Internal and External Assessments on a rolling schedule basis; this is subject to the availability of suitable resources from our team of volunteers. Our Observer Assessment Policy can be downloaded below.
- Our Annual General Meetings are organised and run, in accordance with Government Statutory Instruments and IAM’s Guidelines however WYAMs have made provision to hold their AGMs using Video Conferencing facilities, should they so decide. A copy of WYAMs AGM Policy can be downloaded below.
- There are occasions when National and/or Local subscriptions lapse, either on purpose or through an oversight; on these occasions a short period of grace is permitted and the timescales and protocols to be followed can be downloaded below.
- Our Web Site Policy is included in our Privacy Statement
- WYAMs Members must pay annual subscriptions to both IAM and WYAMs: these are separate organisations and have their own subscriptions and payment dates. However, if payment is not made to BOTH organisations then Membership of WYAMs will be cancelled. Details of the process can be downloaded in the policy below entitled Renewal of WYAMs Membership below.
- If a Member of IAM wishes to join WYAMs, then a Group Application Form has to be completed and forwarded to the Group Secretary for processing. A copy of the application form can be downloaded below.
- Governing Document
- Trustee Declaration Form
- Renewal of WYAMs Membership
- The Group Affiliate Handbook
- GDPR Contract Statement for Members
- Group Handbook
- Disclaimer Document
- Ride Risk Assessment & Risk Assessment Process
- Observer Assessment Policy
- AGM Policy and Committee Nomination Form
- Group Application Form
- Privacy Statement
- Social Rides